Thursday, September 2, 2010

Make a Wish

Earrings  and Bracelet-  NY and Co
Shirt - Target
Necklace - Cost Plus World Market Clearance Rack

Today I feel like a sailor and also wish that I was at sea….and away from this anxiety ridden day. Going for an interview today even though I didn’t know I was preparing for a job change till this time yesterday??? Yes its nuts and my brain hasn’t fully processed the information yet…..bleh! On top of that as I mentioned before I quit smoking today…ahem (that me clearing my newly clean throat). I have thought of it numerous times and its only 11:30am. Not to mention that I am pretty sure my husband is sneaking them today….boys! I am still convinced that its all in my head and it won’t be super difficult. Also I spent a great deal of time thinking about syke from yesterdays post and I have since realized that I spelled it incorrectly, now I could go in and edit it but I still think when you read it the misspelled way it is obvious what I mean and I did give a disclaimer explaining that it was my first typing experience and I want my fingers to learn their lesson so I will leave it the way it was published. Plus if it wasn’t for the Y I would prefer the old way but the Y definitely gives it character.

On another note today was supposed to be a photo op with the hubby but due to unforeseen job interview circumstances I am unable to . Not to mention I spent a great deal of time reprocessing what my outfit would be today…..I don’t do change well….wish me luck!

P.S. the outfit above is not the actual interview attire

Silver Bells

Shoes – Marshall’s

Necklace – Target

Bracelet – NY & Co.

So not everyday can be a full on photo shot….I know its a shame. Accessories however make the out fit! Today I felt like a preppy with all my light colors and pinstriped Capri’s….maybe a preppy that lives near the water? Do they have those? Today is my last day smoking, I think its all in my head that it will be hard so I am spending today siking myself out that its not going to be difficult (I never typed siking before). It won’t be hard its all in your head! I am ready it is disgusting and my poor clothes keep complaining that they never wanted to smell that way. I even burnt a shirt the other day with a fallen ash….completely unacceptable. Well that’s all for today…tomorrows post won’t have lingering smoke!

Date Night and Open for business

Shirt and Necklace – Target Baby

Jeans – Charlotte Russe – discontinued

Purse – Emile B

Shoes – Last Chance

First One!!! How exciting!! Truth is I thought I looked better before I saw the pics Maybe I am a little happy that those jeans are discontinued otherwise I would probably have more….and that is decidedly bad! Also being that this is my first shot I am hoping that you will forgive me for no shoes or boots (yes I am speaking to my imaginary followers) there were really cute and also perfectly matching rust…damn! I must admit this outfit makes me feel romantic and since I NEVER wear my hair down curly it was even more exciting! Wouldn’t you know that it rained that night and made my head look like some crazed poodle. My husband of course assured me at ever turn that it really didn’t look bad at all…bless his heart. I did however find myself in the reflection of a store front and then as you can see from the last photo tied that mess up!

I can’t wait to take this further and I truly can’t belive I didn’t think of this before??? Not only to I get to write and be a model but I also get to catalog my wardrobe in a sense!! I spent the better part of Sunday being creative in the closet and think I would some good stuff! We shall see!

Oh yeah if your reading this become a follower.....I want one!