Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wish the Real World would Stop Hassling me

Dress - Eileen’s
Long Cardigan - Target
Leggings - Ross
Shoes - Target
Feather Necklace - Alloy
Wish Necklace - Cost Plus World Market
Purse Emille M
Sunglasses - Target

Holy Kageezus! I have been crazy busy.! It is the kind of busy that really needs three people and 28 hour days. I started my new job while still working the other and this madness is going to continue through next week….eeeks! Hopefully after that things can wind down a bit? On top of all this I am still “trying” to quit smoking. I stress the trying part…haven’t bought any but Primetimes (those tiny nasty little cigars) have been a constant companion…disgusting!! This will be my first weekend in a LONG time with no company on the weekends and as much as I like company it is a much needed break.

This was the outfit that I wore for Sunday (yes its been that long) just tooled around town and did some grocery shopping. I loved this look, it was equal parts comfy and ultra feminine. I also got my hair cut this weekend…and got BANGS! They are very slight though so I don’t have to play them if I don’t wanna.
Alright back to the grind!