Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Cup Can't be Half Full if it's Broken!

Blouse - BCBG - thrifted @ Poor little Rich Girl
Skirt - Worthington
Shoes...hold on let me check....Nadara via My Sisters Closet
Kissing Bird Necklace - WALMART! who knew
Silver Choker Necklace - First gift ever from Husband (then boyfriend) from a thrift store...we were so meant to be
Sunglasses - Target

I went pottery painting in this. I think I might have mentioned this in my last post! I was worried about getting paint on it all day but I didn't!!! My Husband kept warning me that I would but I didn't!!! However I wore this shirt the very next day to work...what I didn't see anyone I saw the day before and I wore and undershirt! And guess what I did... I spilled food on it!! Go figure I guess.

I have had this skirt forever but never wear it, in fact I haven't even tried it on in years but I think I should wear it more often ...what do you think?