Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. - CoCo Chanel
I think she says it better than I could. I really just wanted a way to journal and incorporate fashion. I have seen a few other blogs out there that are similar and also extremely inspiring. I take my own accessory pictures and my husband photographs the rest. I love to mix and match and most of all I LOVE to be comfortable.
I will always be a Northern California girl at heart. I love jamming out in the car by myself and believe that I was born to be a singer but that somehow the voice was left out of the equation. I added a Y to the spelling of my name when I was around 8 and never looked back...I liked the way it make my signature loopy. I love gummy bears and lemon scented lotion. I believe that everyone should say whats on their mind! I LOVE my nephew and would eat him if it was legal. I like to give people nicknames but prefer to be called Jayme. I frequently say things that don't make sense and have terrible grammar and no patience. I am always early and hate to wake up. I love food and think about it constantly. I am shy at times but mostly not...I blush even when I'm not embarrassed and like to dance when no ones looking.