Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Was it something I ate?

Tuxedo Capri Pants - Target
Blouse - Target
Cardigan - thrifted

Well I have been eating extremely healthy for two days now and I feel back to my old self....I am always amazed by how much food changes my perception on life. Haven't been back to the gym since last Tuesday but plan to hit it up this Saturday for sure!

Tomorrow is my 4 year wedding anniversary!! I seriously can't believe that I have been married for that long. I was always the girl that was NEVER EVER even if my life depended on it and there was someone with a gun to my head going to ever say to death do us part. Now I am happily married to a man with two children of his own...who knew? I figure since I NEVER EVER even if my life depended on it and there was someone with a gun to my head want children that its best to have someone else pop them out for you. I don't recommend saying that to the "baby mama" though...they don't find it as amusing as you and I. So back to the 4 years...holy huh? My husband has been hogging the computer all night "making plans", he won't tell me what he is doing and apparently the restaurant won't accommodate his request?? I tried to tell him that restaurants don't let strippers in.....or rather he told me.

What could he be planning? I have to wait till Saturday to find out??????

Its in the Bag

Ring - Target
Purse - Emilie B
Fabric - Old Navy (from shirt yesterday)

Not so much a what I wore post although I did wear the accessories yesterday. That my sister and I at the top during a LONG night as you can see.

So the dilemma of the day is bangs or no bangs??? Need help here! I think I want them.....going to my guy on Saturday we will see what he says? My husband is no help he just tells me that he thinks whatever I do will look good...what does he know? Bangs can be a nightmare done wrong but I need something new. I got a hair up my ass yesterday about it and had pretty much decided I was going home and doing it right away!! Luckily for my strands I started doing some google searches and was firmly scolded by that notion and told to never EVER again think about doing something so self I called my guy.