Monday, September 13, 2010

Stealing From the Rich

Dress - Kupcake via Ross
Belt - Target
Boots - Charlotte Russe

I broke out the boots folks! Its still quite warm but I just couldn't handle it anymore they had to come out...for real they have been begging for weeks now. My tights were pissed when I told them it wasn't time for them yet. I don't know why I rush the seasons? When the summer comes I am always stoked to wear my dresses and take off all the outerwear, in fact there are still quite a few combos that are unrequited but still I want the cooler weather? Guess the grass is always greener...meh.

I had Boba tea today....I don't really know what to think about that stuff. Actually I know exactly what I think about it....GROSS! My husband is in love?? I don't really understand it which makes me want to like it but why its just odd. I wonder if he really likes it or just says that cause its interesting? I mean I will give it that its interesting. Although this is the same man that upon walking out of the bedroom in the above outfit he exclaimed "Holy Robin Hood all you need is a quiver"! Guess it was good I decided against the tights eh?