Thursday, September 2, 2010

Silver Bells

Shoes – Marshall’s

Necklace – Target

Bracelet – NY & Co.

So not everyday can be a full on photo shot….I know its a shame. Accessories however make the out fit! Today I felt like a preppy with all my light colors and pinstriped Capri’s….maybe a preppy that lives near the water? Do they have those? Today is my last day smoking, I think its all in my head that it will be hard so I am spending today siking myself out that its not going to be difficult (I never typed siking before). It won’t be hard its all in your head! I am ready it is disgusting and my poor clothes keep complaining that they never wanted to smell that way. I even burnt a shirt the other day with a fallen ash….completely unacceptable. Well that’s all for today…tomorrows post won’t have lingering smoke!

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