Thursday, September 2, 2010

Make a Wish

Earrings  and Bracelet-  NY and Co
Shirt - Target
Necklace - Cost Plus World Market Clearance Rack

Today I feel like a sailor and also wish that I was at sea….and away from this anxiety ridden day. Going for an interview today even though I didn’t know I was preparing for a job change till this time yesterday??? Yes its nuts and my brain hasn’t fully processed the information yet…..bleh! On top of that as I mentioned before I quit smoking today…ahem (that me clearing my newly clean throat). I have thought of it numerous times and its only 11:30am. Not to mention that I am pretty sure my husband is sneaking them today….boys! I am still convinced that its all in my head and it won’t be super difficult. Also I spent a great deal of time thinking about syke from yesterdays post and I have since realized that I spelled it incorrectly, now I could go in and edit it but I still think when you read it the misspelled way it is obvious what I mean and I did give a disclaimer explaining that it was my first typing experience and I want my fingers to learn their lesson so I will leave it the way it was published. Plus if it wasn’t for the Y I would prefer the old way but the Y definitely gives it character.

On another note today was supposed to be a photo op with the hubby but due to unforeseen job interview circumstances I am unable to . Not to mention I spent a great deal of time reprocessing what my outfit would be today…..I don’t do change well….wish me luck!

P.S. the outfit above is not the actual interview attire

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