Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Post Without a Sign

Shoes - Carlos Santana
Capri Slacks - Target
Blouse - Charlotte Russe
Sunglasses - Target
Earrings - can't remember

I think its finally starting to cool off! Better break out the dresses while I can. This was my Friday outfit to the office but didn't have any time to post until today. Last night my wonderful husband took me to dinner at our favorite little spot Coup de Tartes it was SO yummy. We started off with the cheese platter that had the most wonderful creamy brie and then I had the fillet Mignon with a pesto butter and pomme frittes (fancy word for french fires) and a tomato stuffed with mushrooms and Parmesan it was utterly scrumptious especially since I have been eating so clean this week it was a real treat. He was so amazing all week not telling me where we were going and then when we arrived I reminded him that this place was a BYOB and we hadn't brought any wine. He had a showed up earlier that day and dropped off wine and beautiful Lillie's so they would be there when we arrived.....I LOVE HIM! It was a perfect evening and I it also gave me the perfect opportunity to try out my newly learned smokey eye. It looked great...I always feel like it is soo much makeup but in a setting like that it works.

My sister was down and we spent the first part of the day having lunch and going around to a few of which had a cupcake and champagne event and everything was on major sale. Considering nothing in the store is over $39 anyway I was forced to stock up!

Either way still perfecting that smokey eye and would love to see your take!