Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What day is it?

Blouse - Old Navy
Skirt - Gap
Shoes - Doll House via Ross
Earrings - Can't remember
Bangles - Target

My life consists of work and sleep, occasionally I get to eat and sometimes I get to kiss my husband but mostly just work! Leave it too me to start a blog and then get shipped off to an alternate universe where people work their lives away! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel but this "transition" is insane! They have even assigned me an entire transition team and its still head whirling busy.

This was an everyday work outfit but I really like it...with a different shirt next time I think. My weight has not allowed me to tuck in my shirt like I prefer but whatever I can get to the weight loss gym business when things die down right? I LOVE this skirt and the shoes are one of my favs for sure. I recently found a self tanner that I really like also so that makes skirt wearing a hell of a lot easier. I m enjoying the cool down in weather although I know that the rest of the country is not enjoying a 90 degree Fall!

I have some pics saved up from the last week so now all I have to do is find the time to post!

Hello to my newest follower also!! Tried to look at your blog but didn't see one linked to you profile?

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