Thursday, September 9, 2010

Target Outlaw

Slacks - Target
Sweater - New York & Co.
Tank - Old Navy
Purse - Target
Shoes - Steve Madden (thrifted)
Bracelet - Flea Market
Necklace - Street Vendor downtown

So......Today I stopped on my home to get my husband a anniversary card and the soundtrack to Crazy Heart (great CD by the way). I decided on Target because it would be a one stop shot and its on my home...BAD IDEA. I parked my car turned of the music and had a heart to heart with myself and my credit card....NO SHOPPING. You have no money I warned and you have mega bills this month and you have PLENTY. After a little debating and convincing we agreed that it was for the best. Deep breaths, feeling strong and were walking. Hello Mr. Target greeter, hello Target return girl that probably knows me by name...and were walking. Eyeing the clothes but were walking. CD check, card check.....maybe I can just see if they have a eyeshadow brush? Then it happened....standing in line thinking I should have grabbed a hand cart!!!!! I should be outlawed! Did you know that when you are a hardcore gambler you can go into the casino and tell them to never let you in....sign a few papers take a few photos and wham they will seriously arrest you if you show up. I need a program like that....serious...stat. Although I would probably just dress up in disguise. I am a terrible person and I need help......probably need help paying my car insurance this month that's for sure.

Anyone tried matte nail polish (had this in my hand today but was able to talk myself out of it). The Sisters had this amazing post about it but I would like some more feedback? I love the OPI copper business in the first shot.


maggeygrace said...

a "heart to heart with myself...NO SHOPPING"

hahaha :) You make me laugh.

Target is where it's at. I love that place.

I love your top!!

GFS said...

I see you love Target! OMG! I literally have to stay out of Target for months at a time because it's just too easy to spend my whole check there!